Wednesday, June 22, 2011

El Arbol de la Vida

Hopefully the use of Spanish in the title threw you all a bit. But of course you'll see the photo and understand what this post will be about. It came out May 27th, a film by director Terrance Malick, The Tree of Life.

A good preview to this film would be to watch any of Malick's previous films, as you'll understand that his style is unlike any other filmmaker. This will prepare you for what The Tree of Life might be like. Don't worry, I won't give any key plot points or surprises away, I just wanted to let audiences know what they will be in for with this film. I went into this film not specifically knowing what to expect, but knowing that the film had great actors and a great director.

If you just want to know generally whether or not to spend money seeing this film (that's normally how I base my theater trips), I would say see it. Definitely. If nothing else, the film will open your mind up to the endless possibilities of what films can be. What I will say is be patient with this film. If you know Terrence Malick then you know what that means, but if not, don't be quick to judge and just let the film run its course. You don't have to be a film major or a pretentious arty film lover to appreciate the shots of nature that flood the beginning of the film, or the family dynamic and struggles the characters visibly go through.

You may need to be a film major or pretentious arty film lover to appreciate the way in which Malick chose to film his subjects..where the camera follows a character, mostly with extreme close up shots, rather than the character standing in one place for the camera, which is all too common.

If you have not watched the trailer, do so here, and spend your movie-going moolah on something worthwhile, this like film.

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