Monday, June 13, 2011

Can't Tell Me Nothing (Remix)

WARNING: If you're currently nestled in your comfortable, warm cubicle, then put in your earphones ASAP so you can fully appreciate the video in this post.

I'd like to think this video appeals to almost everyone. Those that love Kanye, those that love Z.Gal, and those that love farms in the south. Very rarely do these categories overlap. But today is a new day, and I just hope that this brings you an ounce of entertainment in an otherwise stale and serious world.

Enjoy my little blueberries, enjoy.

Note: If you went to high school with me, you know that my friend Madelyn and I dabbled in the lip-synching industry. We had a couple of hits..mainly our largely popular Michelle Branch "Everywhere," which was filmed without editing and somewhat botched lyrics. Seeing as I have endless amounts of time now, I'd like to one-up Zach on this...who's with me?

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