Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trojan Horse..Saturday?

As my grandma would say...Wowee! I can't apologize enough for lacking on my Trojan Horse Thursday. Both my Thursday and Friday were jam packed with interviews, happy hours, working on a film shoot and helping my dad pack for a trip. This is probably why I don't have a big following because people like stability in their blogs..especially people who have stability in their jobs. So for that I say, my bad.

Because this post is delayed, I decided to make up for it big time by doubling this week's cover songs! Like I stated before, cover songs are a tricky maneuver. I think sometimes it would be a great honor to have your song covered, and other times, a great travesty. Depending on who takes on the delicate feat of re-making somebody's art.

I recently got into Grace Potter & The Nocturnals. Not because of their popular single "Paris," but because I saw a video of them at Bonnaroo this year and was their great performance. I love women with huge voices, and Grace Potter has not just that, but also an edginess and unabashed sex appeal that sets her apart. I found that they've done tons of live covers and was really excited to see an Otis Redding (an all time favorite) gem in there. Although nobody can top Otis in my book, Potter lends a very different but still raw and emotional touch to this song. This version starts part way into the song, but I chose it because it has the best sound with which to hear her voice. Perfection.

Grace Potter and the Nocturnals: Pain In My Heart (Otis Redding Cover)

The second cover chosen was just found today and it's definitely not your typical cover to say the least, but I found it pretty funny and I figured if there were going to be two covers, they had to be pretty opposite. The band is called Red Band, but also goes by the name of the The Puppet Folk Revival. Now apparently this group has their own TV show in their home country of Israel and they tour around the country as well..hence the puppet in the beginning of the video talking about where their next show was going to be. My favorite part is the mouse saying "Ka-Ching!"

Puppet Folk Revival: Paper Planes (M.I.A. Cover)

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