Monday, July 11, 2011

Can He Move it Like This?

Welcome to the first addition of Monday Moves! If you forgot what it is, Monday Moves is a new Monday series where I find the next great dance move/artist and bring it to you first on here. Don't worry, this isn't code for me making up dance moves and showing my videos on here. I wouldn't do that because I have enough sense to know it probably wouldn't be that good.

As you may remember two Mondays ago, I featured a video on here called "Lemme Smang It" and brought up the possibility of making this a Monday tradition where I find new dance moves and bring them right to you in your own little cubicle. Well, this Monday I'm actually going to feature a music video from the same record label that produced "Lemme Smang It." This gem is called "Can He Move it Like This," and it features the same guest rapper Flynt Flossy, and he still looks like he's trying to be Charlie Murphy.

When you watch this, please take into account the vibrant suits that this man somehow acquired, and his ability to dye his minimal amount of hair. Also here's special a tip for the GUYS: If you see a girl eating lunch with her boyfriend, and you stare at her while drinking ice tea and then start had her at your red suit. We'd all drop the boyfriend immediately. IMMEDIATELY. This is spot on. Enjoy!

Pretty Raheem ft. Flynt Flossy: Can He Move it Like This

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