Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Tickets are Now Diamonds!

For those of you who have not seen the truly amazing Old Spice commercials with Isaiah Mustafa, there's been a hole in your life and now you can fill it. I will grace you with the first commercial he did for Old Spice:

He's done many an Old Spice commercial, but it appears that he will now switch roles to a Marvel Comics character by the name of Luke Cage. Does that ring a bell? Probably not if you're a girl since we all know girls aren't into comic books, GI Joes, or anything else that boys like because they have cooties and we don't want to get them. I saw a quick preview of Isaiah Mustafa as Luke Cage but it's now copyrighted and unavailable. Just trust me.

Now, what I'd like to focus on isn't really Isaiah playing Luke Cage or Old Spice commercials. It's that from the Luke Cage preview on the video website I frequent, explanation said that they don't want Isaiah to leave Old Spice, and suggested this unknown actor who made a video proving he could play Luke Cage. Check this out:

This is a homemade video by this guy and his daughter and it's priceless. My first thought was why didn't he take those photos outside? He's trying to look tough while standing next to a pink garbage can and a TV. Basically anywhere besides his daughter's room would have looked better. But the comments on the video just proved how articulate the younger generation has become. Many people were like "OMGGGG yo dad IS Luke Cage!!!!!! Get this to Marvel asap!" And there were the gems such as "he would make an awesome luke cage. i'm not just saying that cause i'm gay." And someone wrote "GTFOOH" which I couldn't figure out. Thankfully some people did point out the many grammatical errors and that by making this, his daughter probably hurt his non-career more than helped.

All in all, I'd like Isaiah to stay on Old Spice and I hope they at least give this unknown man a chance to do something other than flex his muscles in tight tank tops, while posing in his daughter's room.


  1. OLD SPICE IS NEW yea baby. After I saw the commercial I saw the new wash in Target and bought the Fiji flavor wash. Haven't tried it yet... stay tuned.
